7 Ideas for Life: An Anidote to Regret


Hey friends,

Today’s framework will contain the 7 life principles that have shaped my perspective on the world.

Each of these ideas goes much deeper than I touch on - I urge you to explore these topics on your own.

⚰️ Certain Death

One day, without a doubt, you will die. Everyone you know will die. Every person that has ever lived, has died.

(Sorry for the grim start lol - but putting this idea at the forefront of my mind has changed my perspective entirely).

This has made me realize that I shouldn’t be wasting any moment of my day.

Our time in this world is limited. Identify what you find most valuable in this life and go towards it. Why would you waste time doing anything else?

This does not have to be an all-out drop everything else. But begin today. Start doing what you love.

You only get one life, take full advantage of it.

🎮 Understand What You Have Control Of

There are things we can control and things we can not.

If we try to control things we do not have any control over, we will be stuck in a state of anxiety and helplessness.

If we choose to not have control over what we can control, we leave it up to the world to shape our lives.

📈 Mother F’ing Compound Interest!

Most people relate compound interest to money - but there is more to it than that.

Everything builds on top of what you have done before, do the right things daily to build a life you are proud to live.

Use this idea for —

  • Learning
  • Health
  • Relationships
Incremental changes lead to big results - think long-term.

🍃 Mindfulness & Presence

You are not your mind (The Power of Now - Book by Ekhart Tolle).

We are not our thoughts. The only true existence is the present moment. There is nothing else.

When we live in the past or future — we take away from our current life experience.

At times when I'm very present in my life, my anxiety is reduced, and my joy is increased.

Use tools like meditation to help cultivate this mindset.

👂 Everyone Knows Something You Don’t

Everyone has their own personal experiences and their own perspectives.

Use this as an opportunity to learn from others. They may know something valuable that you have never thought of before.

There are so many people willing to help you, all you have to do is listen.

Develop a genuine interest in others.

🧠 Be Confident (You are the Only of Your Kind)

Lack of confidence comes from fear.

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of judgment
  • Fear of rejection

It is much easier to conquer these fears, when you live by the first principle we talked about (Certain Death - we only get one life, so who cares what others think).

If what you are doing is for the benefit of yourself and others, own it. Be proud to act in that way.

📖 It is Your Job to Educate Yourself

How often do you use geometry or chemistry? Probably almost never.

We are taught how to think in school and what to learn, but education must go beyond the classroom.

Educate yourself on the ways of the world - focus on ideas and skills that are going to be beneficial to your every life.

Today, with the internet, this is easy. We have the ability to access the thoughts and teachings of almost anyone.

Learn about —

  • Mindset
  • Health
  • Psychology
  • Building wealth
  • Relationships
  • Anything that you find interesting

⚕️ Health

“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” - Confucius

Illness has the ability to cripple your mindset, financial stability, and quality of life. Prevent your downfall by taking care of your health daily.

Focus on these three pillars of health —

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Sleep

If you start to get these correct, it will benefit all areas of your life.

There is a lot to dissect here, but these are some of the ideas that I have come to value the most.

What ideas have shaped your perception the most?

Email me!!! (rocky@rockyferony.com)

Thanks for reading.

Have a great weekend,
