Hey friends,
Last year I listened to 44,914 minutes of music…
That is equivalent to ≈ 748 hours ≈ 31 days ≈ 1 month 🤯.
One full month of my life I spent listening to the same songs over & over again.
Not a waste of time per se, but not beneficial.
Although I love music and think it's very important, a full month is overkill.
For you, it may not be music.
What are ways that you spend your time, that could be used better?
⌛️ Compounding Time
It’s easy to be careless with our time - we think it will last forever. But, if we are not intentional with how we spend it, we will end up with a life we didn’t plan for.
With current tech, we have more opportunities than ever before. But with more opportunity, comes more distraction.
When in your life, do you partake in repetitive tasks?
For me, it’s things like:
- Driving
- Cooking
- Gym / Fitness
Let’s look at ways to use this time to our benefit.
🔊 Learning (Constant Curiosity)
I drive a lot for work (upwards of 1 hour per day). Most of the time I will listen to music. Leading to a mindless period of time, that brings no long-term benefit. This is why I have committed myself to an effort to devote a chuck of this time to self-development.
Focusing on resources like:
- Audiobooks & educational Youtube
(If you don’t have Youtube Premium, get it!)
☎️ Fostering Connections
Relationships are more important than self-development. You can have all the success in the world, but it's useless unless you have others to share it with. In the modern age, we can speak to people all over the world in an instant. Take advantage of this opportunity and make calls to people you love.
⛔️ Disclaimer
This doesn't have to be done all the time. I love music, and I will continue to listen to it. But just think of how much you could benefit from replacing 20-30% of your dead time with something more productive. Give it a try.
📱 Product of the Week
For all my life I have been prejudiced against audiobooks and other E-books. I was completely wrong. While traveling, I have been using my Kindle and have started to love it. You get so many free books with an Amazon Prime subscription. It has quickly climbed the ladder in my must-have tech stack.
My Japan trip is only halfway over, but it has already been such an influence on the way I view the world.
Tune in next week for a snapshot of Japan’s culture & life lessons.
Have a great week,
Rocky “44,914” Ferony