How to Create an Unfair Advantage (for Yourself)

It was November 18th, 2022.

Covid was rampaging through the planet. People were terrified of what tomorrow would hold. Thousands were dying daily.

And to make it worse?

The stock market was crashing.

People’s hard-earned dollars were disappearing before their eyes. Years of investment flying down the drain in a few measly days.

But some people saw it as an opportunity. Those with available cash started to buy in at the lowest prices in years. Their return on investment (ROI) was unbelievable — which usually would take years of compounding to achieve.

But what if you could get these types of returns all the time?

It’s possible.

Most people don’t see themselves as a work in progress. When they graduate, they stop learning. They spend all their money on things that give no ROI… new shoes, video games, etc..

If they’re smart enough to invest in the stock market, they’re still at the mercy of something they can’t control... the forces of the market (if you think the market is rational — go read “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffets Mentor).

Others let their money sit in the bank collecting dust, because they’re scared of what the future may hold.

And the majority of people?

They stay stuck in the job they hate, doing the same thing every day, even when they could be doing more — something they love.

They don’t understand that one simple thing can boost their income and open up endless new opportunities.

Let me explain.

Insider Information on the Market

The best investment you can make is in yourself.” — Warren Buffet

So what’s this secret that creates unbelievable returns?

Self investment.

And I’ve experienced the high-powered benefits myself.

Everyone starts at level 1. But you don’t have to learn everything through trial and error. You can piggyback off of people who spend 40 years learning how to do 1 thing extraordinarily.

Best of all… you can learn it from them in only a few months.

When you invest time and/or money into yourself, you set yourself up for exponential growth — allowing you to make more money… in less time. You can do it for free (but I don’t recommend it, I’ll explain why later).

Most people don’t realize they are their own greatest investment — their most important life project. Because the skills and experiences you build while investing in yourself can’t be taken away. You get a permanent boost to your ability to earn.

So why should you pay, rather than taking the free route?

Paying to learn something from someone else forces you to take it seriously. You create a trial of fire in which you have no way of retreating. When you invest your hard-earned money, it becomes real for you.

Instead of letting all of my money sit in the bank and depreciate over time due to inflation, you can pay a modest price to have people teach you everything they know about a high-level skill.

But what if you spend money and get scammed?

This was my biggest fear before investing in myself… If I spent money on a course or a mentor and it didn’t help, I would look like a fool.

But in reality — either way, you win if you follow this 1 rule.

Pick someone that has done what you want to do. Learn how they got there and which route they took. Once you understand the basics you can start to innovate on their teachings.

So why should you start now?

Like the stock market… the sooner you invest, the more time your money has to grow exponentially. The same goes for self-investment .

But what types of self-investment are there? And how do you start?

Let me show you.

The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”  — Henry David Thoreau

1) Pick a High-Level Skill

You get paid for how well you know something and the results you produce. If you want to get paid more, start by picking one of these high-level skills — marketing, sales, communication, or writing. Then dive into it deeply, and learn everything you can, by doing this:

2) Pick a Vehicle

My favorite forms of self-investment are; Books, courses, and mentors. Each has its benefits, experiment with each and see what works best for you. Avoid learning for free — it’s too easy to quit when you don’t put your hard-earned money on the line.

3) Do the Thing (Apply It)

The point of self-investment is to get better at a specific skill. But if you only learn and never do, you'll lose your ability to compound. So create a self-directed project to apply the teaching. At the very least, you’ll get started and learn what to avoid in the future.

4) Review as Needed

When you pick a high-level form of investment, you may not be able to apply all the teaching at once. Come back to the course or book later down the line. You’ll understand more and can build on the progress you’ve made.

4) Reinvest More (The Never Ending Cycle)

  • When you start to make money from the skill you learned, reinvest into a higher-level course and other forms of investment. If you want to pivot or broaden your skill set, invest in learning a new skill that will compound the one you learned before. The more you learn, the more you earn.