Hey Friends,
I am excited to share 5 simple ideas from one of my favorite books.
Although the book is based on business topics, I find that the ideas are helpful in every part of my life.
This story has more gems than these 5 takeaways.
So, if you want to read the book for yourself —
I attached a free PDF of the book below (only 144 pages).
Our featured book today is “The Go-Giver,” by Bob Burg and John D. Mann.
The story starts with Joe, a young man that is struggling to find success in business.
Desperate to hit his quarterly quota, Joe calls up his firm's largest account.
A woman answers and tells Joe that “The Chairman,” is willing to meet him tomorrow.
Joe arrives the next day to meet a mysterious old man named Pindar.
Here is what Joe learns.
📜 The Law of Value
“Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”
Value is a word thrown around a lot in “self-help” culture. But what does it really mean?
In my eyes, value is when something has a purpose — we are useful in some way.
To start providing value to others, we must first understand what we value as individuals.
(Do you value — Time? Money? Freedom? Simplification? Relationships?)
Once you understand what you value, help others achieve similar outcomes.
📜 The Law of Compensation
“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”
This is why we see companies like Apple making insane profits.
They consistently serve millions at a high standard.
But, income doesn’t always have to be monetary —
(it can also be friendship, knowledge, influence, etc.).
That is why our service should expand beyond business & work environments.
Find ways to serve others in your daily life.
📜 The Law of Influence
“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.”
In my job, one piece of advice that has been very helpful to me is to — “be interested, not interesting.”
It is easy for people to talk about themselves.
But no one wants to hear you talk about yourself for an hour.
Be more curious about others and their lives — everyone knows something you don’t.
📜 The Law of Authenticity
“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.”
Everyone brings their own perspective to each situation.
For a while, I was scared to use mine.
It was only when I stopped trying to be someone else, that I was able to cultivate relationships with more depth.
Be confident in yourself, and do your best.
📜 The Law of Receptivity
“The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.”
This may be the hardest one.
We often let our pride stop us from receiving the gifts of others.
We want to be independent and create success by ourselves.
But refusing help limits our awareness of others' needs.
A person is offering to help you! Let them.
⚖️ Laws of Stratospheric success
1️⃣ Value > Payment
2️⃣ Serve others & serve them well
3️⃣ Be interested in others
4️⃣ Be yourself
5️⃣ Don’t be scared to receive
📚Quote of the Week
“Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile. What does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give. - Steve Goodier
See you next week!