Hey friend!
I had finally found it.
A small conference room tucked in the back corner of the University's student center.
I grabbed the door handle and pulled it open.
Light flooded out from the doorway.
As my eyes adjusted, I saw that the room was lined with chairs, but only a few were claimed.
At the front of the room stood a man with a tan complexion and dark hair. He was busy setting up for his presentation.
I didn't know it at the time, but this man would change my life…
After learning about the program, I went on to join the “Bobcat Bond Mentoring Program,” as a student mentor.
We were assigned mentees and it was our job to meet with them every week. But being only a junior in college, I had no idea what I was doing being a “mentor.”
But it sounded interesting so I tried it.
Anyway… that’s a story for another day.
What I didn’t expect from this program were the weekly discussions that we were expected to be a part of.
Every week, a new student mentor would pick a topic that they were passionate about and send some materials on it (a video, article, etc.).
Then, we would meet and discuss.
And the group always met on the same day.
I had never been a part of a group like this in my life.
The people there were deep thinkers that cared about their mentees but also about impacting the lives of so many others.
After a year of being in this program, I graduated and left behind University life.
But there was something missing…
So I watched youtube videos on “side hustles” for about 2 weeks straight. Until I came across the idea that would fill the hole in my life.
I had already been writing in my personal journal about ideas that I was curious about.
But there was a problem.
I would write every once in a while and never return to read my past work.
So I decided to start sharing ideas online, in hopes to create discussion among my peers and sharpen my ideas in the public eye.
This led to the creation of “The Friday Framework”
I wouldn’t have had the confidence to start discussing ideas on the internet if it wasn’t for this discussion group - led by my mentor, Miguel.
There were only 5-6 student mentors in the program, but that didn’t stop Miguel from creating it anyway and leading it every week.
So take a chance with your passions.
You never know when your acts of creativity will change another's life for the better.
Stay curious my friends.
-Rocky “Framework“ Ferony