The #1 Cause of Unhappiness

An unexpected knock echoed throughout my house.

Approaching the front door, I saw a small figure through the glass.

I swung it open and behind it stood a young man of about 17 years old, with a tan complexion and dark curly hair.

He immediately introduced himself to me.

“Hi sir, my name is Damien…”

He told me about his predicament. He and his single mother were getting evicted from their home tomorrow unless they could come up with $300 for rent. He asked if there was anything he could do to make some cash.

The young man's determination moved me. He put his pride aside and did what most people aren’t willing to do.

What was it?

Taking responsibility for his life (even when it wasn’t his fault).

But most people don’t want responsibility. They blame others for how their life is going and the bad things that have happened to them.

They give away their power.

Rather than being the one to make a change, they expect others to do it for them.

The sad part?

It never happens. Nothing ever changes and they live their life powerless.

Many people (including myself at times), spend most of their time worrying about things they can’t control — and avoid the responsibility of what they can control.

They complain about their boss, spouse, or life… but pass up opportunities to change the situation.

Stop waiting. Here’s how to win your life back.

How to Become More Powerful

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them— Maya Angelou
"Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.” ―Epictetus

Damien did some chores around the house.

He was paid, but still needed a bit more to get the $300 he needed.

I’m unsure what happened to Damien… but his story won’t be forgotten.

Here’s why.

When you take full responsibility for your life; how hard you work, how deeply you love, and who you want to be — you start to control your destiny.

You create your own life outcomes, instead of depending on others to do it for you. You become happier and less worried about the future.

Some people take on all the responsibility they can. If something isn’t how they want it to be... they don’t blame others for their situation. They make changes to create a new situation for themselves.

They don’t waste months complaining about something they can’t control.

When you take responsibility, you become more powerful. You create a new version of yourself — someone who’s stronger, wiser, and happier.

And the best part?

You don’t need to make drastic changes this week.

But you need to get started.

Here’s how.

Rocky’s Responsibility Checklist

Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.” ―Steve Maraboli
  • Self Assessment

What do you hate in your life? What do you complain about?

I’ve had times when I spent months in a lousy situation, that could have been changed easily. Why? Because it seems harder to make a change than to live in the situation we’re in.

Stop wasting energy complaining. Start creating change by doing this.

  • Start Small

Drastic change won’t happen in your life this week. But it can happen.

Start by identifying where you’re lacking responsibility in your life. The small things like… making your bed, eating healthy, or washing those dishes that’ve been in your sink for weeks.

Once you get momentum going, you’ll be unstoppable.

  • For What You Can’t Control

Life throws curveballs at us. Bad things happen that you can’t control. But the best part? We still get to decide how we react to them. If you can’t change it… don’t worry about it.

And if you can change it, do this.

  • For What You Can Control

Stop blaming others for the situation you’re in. It only makes it worse. If you can do something to change your situation, then do it. No matter how small, no matter if you’re at fault. Put everything into making this situation how you want it to be, regardless of what others do.

Stay curious my friend,

— Rocky "Responsibility" Ferony


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