Modern culture has lied to us.
We’re told the recipe for success is to… go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, then retire.
But what happens when we want more? When we don’t want to play by their rules?
This singer and songwriter experienced this internal battle.
Let me tell you her powerful story.
Emma Brooke went to Nashville to become a singer in her early 20s. She got a lot of great experience… but had her share of hardships. She didn’t see the success she hoped for, so she moved back with her family and took a break from music — her dream.
Doubt started to creep in.
Was she not good enough? Should she move on to something else?
Most people have these thoughts at some point — I know I have.
The problem?
They believe them.
When most people face adversity, they quit. They blame it on their external circumstances, or lack of experience, resources, and skills. They repeat this process their whole life — feeling more lost each time. The difficulty becomes a roadblock, not an opportunity for growth.
It’s a vicious cycle.
But this is why it’s so easy to succeed today.
People expect success to be easy and come quickly. And when it doesn’t… they lose hope.
After months of confusion and doubt, Emma is back. And she’s learned one of the greatest secrets to success (that many never discover).
Let me tell you about the resurgence of Emma’s passion.
The Rebirth
“The path to success is not a straight line, but a journey through waves and tides. It's up to us to steer the course.” — Jeff Ocaya
I’ve watched Emma take risks… move away from her family, jump into the music scene, and face endless adversity.
It’s inspiring.
Now she’s back. And her love for her craft has been rekindled. She is stronger and more capable of living her vision.
The lesson she learned?
Success isn't linear. And when it is… it’s often short-lived.
How many artists are 1 hit wonders? How many actors have one great movie, then you never see them again?
Quick success is flashy… but it’s not what you want. Start aiming for long-term success by doing this.
The greatest men and women of all time have 1 thing in common: their ability to keep going, even through hard times. They consistently make steps toward their dreams, regardless of the circumstances. And their efforts pay off.
Emma had to learn this the hard way (as most people do).
She has solidified her vision for the future… her future. And I’m excited to watch her make it a reality.
Emma released her 1st solo song and hit over 1,000 plays in only a few days. Check it out here.
Then start to apply these hard-earned lessons from her personal experience:
The Golden Path
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” — Confucius
1) Take Calculated Risks
At the end of your life, what will you remember?
Giving everything you have for something you love? Or sitting in comfort at your home?
We both know the answer. Yet many choose to ignore it and write it off as cliche. Set yourself apart by measuring yourself by your own standards, not others. Create your own greatness.
2) Expand Your Time Horizon
It’s easy to get bogged down by the day-to-day trials. But lasting success comes slowly. If everyone could do it, it wouldn’t be worth it.
Start to think in decades. Not days.
3) Don’t Quit and You’ll Never Lose
Once you have a vision for your life, your chances of success skyrocket. But only if you do one thing… don’t quit.
It’s going to be hard. It’s going to suck. But every time you want to quit, hundreds of others do too. Join the top 1% by staying in the game.
Thanks for reading.
Stay curious my friend,
-Rocky "Golden Path" Ferony
Check out Emma’s newest song, “If You Ever Had A Broken Heart” and follow her on Spotify using this link. Click Here.