📲 You Need This App


Hey friends,

If you haven’t tried this free app yet, you need to.

One of my best friends introduced me to Notion a year ago. I didn’t think too much of it at first. I thought it was tough to use and somewhat confusing. There is a learning curve, but it’s worth it.

I like writing in my physical journal. But, when I started 'The Friday Framework,' - it was impractical to copy over handwritten work onto my computer.

I tried using google docs, but it wasn’t great. Phone notes didn’t do it for me either.

Now, I mainly use Notion for all of my writing and life planning. I’ll never go back.

Notion is for more than writing, it has free templates for:

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Design
  • Students
  • Personal life
  • And so much more…

This is what my Notion page looks like, let me know if you need help setting up yours!

🔎 Unlimited Opportunity

You have opportunities everywhere, you just have to find them. The internet makes it easier than ever before.

Easlo has been selling notion templates for the last few years and makes a six-figure income - all online.

This blows my mind. We’re living in the future.

I urge you to see where you can provide value to others online (side hustle).

I'm currently working on Notion templates that focus on long-term health. Get used to using the app now, so you can access them when they come out!

📲 Download Notion now! (FREE)

🔊 Podcast of the Week

Naval is brilliant. In this podcast, he reveals the secrets to building wealth in the modern age.

If you prefer a more conversational podcast, listen to him with Joe Rogan - here.

I am heading to Japan today,

I will update you next week, about the first leg of my trip!

Have a great week,

-Rocky “Sekai ryokō-sha" Ferony